I don't have much time for show-offs but know that there is nothing wrong with pride in achievement, especially when it has been validated by others. Here are a few comments from Heads and Governors with whom I have worked recently.

Comments from Heads:

I thought it was excellent, and would recommend your services to other Heads.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with you and the gentle way you helped me to reflect on what I could do better whilst giving me great confidence through what you believe I am doing well. Thank you.

Thank you for conducting the process so sensitively.

Thank you for the really helpful and insightful report.

Thank you for your visit over Monday and Tuesday. It was a very enjoyable experience and I know will prove to be extremely valuable and worthwhile.

You have been very helpful and positive throughout the process.

As I said to you when we met, I am indeed very pleased and there is also a considerable sense of relief!

Just to say thank you for sending the report through. I very much enjoyed reading it and am grateful for all the positive comments, as well as the constructive challenges.

Thank you once again for everything you have done towards my appraisal. I am sure it will be beneficial to keep in touch in the future.

I am most grateful for the advice, experience and wisdom you shared with me so willingly and so generously.

I thought that the process was excellent and was handled in a completely thorough and professional way. I have already recommended you to someone else!

Comments from Chairs of Governors:

I am most grateful for the very comprehensive, honest and thorough process that you undertook for the appraisal and for your most professional and charming approach. This has been a very helpful experience and we are all the better informed from your efforts and have achievable and realistic targets for the Head. Thank you again.

Thank you for a very thorough appraisal and a very comprehensive report. Whilst containing no real surprises, the report is very helpful in confirming certain things and in clarifying ways forward.

All excellent! I think you did a great job. Thank you.

I just wanted to say I am absolutely thrilled with the overall report. That’s both in terms of its format and its content and result.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent work. The appraisal has brought into focus some issues that had been there before, but in the mist.

I think that it is a very impressive report and I am sure that the other governors will be equally impressed.

I just wanted to take the chance to thank you for such a comprehensive and useful appraisal.

We have been very pleased with your work and the time and energy that went into it. It certainly was not a straightforward one! Thank you for your thorough and professional approach towards this thorny task!

Thanks again for the work you did for us - it was instrumental in our decision making.

Thank you for sending over the results of the survey. You have set things out very clearly and I believe that the presentation will give the governors and head a clear lead on what needs to be done.